Google Drive

GDrive To OneDrive migration Using Routing Table

By default, Cloudiway migrates only files owned by the user. The Google Drive to OneDrive migration process offers the possibility to migrate an entire specific folder content (Owned and Not Owned Fil...

Limitations During File Migration

This article explains the different limitations you have to consider when using the Cloudiway File migration product. As mentioned in this article, several items are not migrated from Google Drive. Ch...

Google Shared Drives Permissions Mappings

The Google Shared Drives preprocessing task creates the target, whether it is a Microsoft Teams or a Sharepoint modern Site, and maps the memberships based on your mapping table. 1 – If you are ...

The Domain Administrators Have Disabled Drive Apps

Problem During a Google drive migration, you are hitting the following error : “Goolge Api Error Google.Apis.Requests.RequestError The domain administrators have disabled Drive apps. [403] Errors [ ...

Id Not Found In GoogleDriveListId

Problem During migration from Google Sites to SharePoint, the migration returns the following error message: “id not found in GoogleDriveListId” or “Drive audit not done. Migration of drive docu...

Character Limitations During File Migration

This article explains the different character limitations you have to consider regarding your folder and file names. While some limitations come from Microsoft, you may face other unexpected restricti...

Meet Cloudiway - A powerful migration and coexistence platform. We support Teams, G Suite, Office 365, Zimbra, Lotus, and more...
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