There are several considerations regarding email migration performance. The Cloudiway migration platform uses all available resources to provide the fastest migration possible and can support both small and large migrations. The on-demand migration engine allocates the capacity that you need to migrate the volume of data of your choice in the time slot you have allocated.
However, there are limitations. Many mail systems can heavily throttle users. When you perform too many calls, the remote server will begin throttling and decrease the number of calls that can be performed each minute, thus reducing the migration throughput. Cloudiway constantly attempts to work at the maximum capacity allowed to achieve excellent throughput.
Google Limitations
Google limits migration to 2.5 GB per user per day. Usually, some additional data migration is possible before throttling begins. When throttling does begin, the Cloudiway platform will attempt to migrate 10 GB of data per user, then sleep for 6 hours and automatically restart the migration where it left off.
Exchange On-Premises limitations
A major benefit of Exchange On-Premises is that you’re in control of all settings. If you’re migrating from Exchange, make sure your server(s) and network are optimized for maximum throughput.
Lotus Notes limitations
Although mail migration from Lotus Notes is entirely monitored and triggered from the Cloudiway SaaS platform, a local agent must be downloaded and executed on a local Lotus Notes workstation (using a with access to all mailboxes). The agent is multi-threaded and can concurrently run 10 migrations by default. You can run the agent simultaneously on different Notes clients to increase throughput. To preserve bandwidth, you can limit the number of concurrent migrations.
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Cloud to Cloud migration tools