Transforming data, between 2 different tenants on G Suite and Office 365 leads to data loss.
Some data are lost because the contact could not recognize the data from the source.
The GALSync product takes users and groups from the source and transforms them into a new source contact.
Here is how the data is transformed from one object to another :
Convert to Office contact
Fields | Office user | Office group | Office contact |
Birthday | x | ||
BusinessAddress (City, Country, PostalCode, State, streetAddress, AdditionalData) | x | x Only one as Office contact can only get one |
BusinessPhones | x | x For work phones, work fax, work mobile, work pager |
CompanyName | x | x | |
Department | x | x | |
DisplayName | x | x | x |
GivenName | x | x | |
HomeAddress (City, Country, PostalCode, State, streetAddress, AdditionalData) | x | x Only one as Office contact can only get one |
HomePhone | User Don't have home phones property | x (Home & home fax phones) |
ImAddresses | x | x | |
JobTitle | x | x | |
MobilePhone | x | x | |
OfficeLocation | x | x | |
Surname | x | ||
EmailAddresses (Name, Address, AdditionalData) | x | x | x Only mail address |
ProxyAddresses | x | x |
Specific case: Guest users
There are restrictions on Microsoft side on updating guest users depending on it’s role:
Updating a user’s businessPhones, mobilePhone, or otherMails property is only allowed on users who are non-administrators or assigned with one of the following roles: Directory Readers, Guest Inviter, Message Center Reader, and Reports Reader.
So we don’t alter those fields in this specific case.
Convert to Google contact
Fields | Google user | Google group | Google contact |
Etag | x | x | |
GivenName | x | x | x |
GivenNamePhonetics | |||
AdditionalName | |||
AdditionalNamePhonetics | |||
FamilyName | x | ||
FamilyNamePhonetics | |||
NamePrefix | |||
NameSuffix | |||
FullName | x | x | x |
Mail (Address, Label, Primary?, Rel) | x | x (1 address set as primary + work) | x |
PhonesNumbers (Primary Rel, Phone number) | x | ||
PostalAddresses : Rel | x | x | |
PostalAddresses : Primary | x | x | |
PostalAddresses : Street | x | x | |
PostalAddresses : City | x | x | |
PostalAddresses : Neighborhood | |||
PostalAddresses : Region | x | ||
PostalAddresses : Subregion | |||
PostalAddresses : Postcode | x | x | |
PostalAddresses : Pobox | x | ||
PostalAddresses : Agent | |||
PostalAddresses : Country | x | x | |
PostalAddresses : FormattedAddress | x | x |
Languages (Label, code) | |||
Organizations : Rel | x | x | |
Organizations : Label | x | x | |
Organizations : Name | x | x | |
Organizations : Title | x | x | |
Organizations : Symbol | x | ||
Organizations : Department | x | x | |
Organizations : JobDescription | x | x | |
Organizations : Location | x | x | |
Organizations : Primary | x | x | |
IMs (Rel, Primary, Protocol) | x | ||
Warning: A source item without mail addresses won’t be synchronized. No changes, customization, or specific mapping could be done for your project.