While migrating a user to Office 365 or Exchange using Cloudiway, you see the following error : “The SMTP address has no mailbox associated with it” or “The SMTP address has no mailbox associated with it.”
The logs and error messages should give an indication if the problem is in the source or the target.
- The source or target email address in the user list is incorrect.
- The account does not exist or no Exchange license is assigned to it.
- The domain provided in the connector is wrong.
- If you are migrating from/to Office365 Groups/Teams, the migration account’s email (provided in the connector) must be licensed and have access to Outlook.
- Check the source and/or target mailboxes and verify the primary SMTP address for the user matches what is entered in the Cloudiway User List.
- Create the user in O365 and assign an Exchange license.
- The domain provided in the connector is the identifier of the tenant. If it is wrong, it means that Cloudiway is looking for the user in the wrong tenant. Please update the connector to have the correct domain.