While performing a Free/Busy lookup of one of your users in Exchange, you are able to get the availability only for the next 62 days. So while performing your requests you see the error message “The requested time duration specified for FreeBusyViewOptions.TimeWindow is too long”.
Note, that there are no such limitations in Office 365.
Cloudiway cannot change these settings. You will have to make a modification to the Exchange Web Services web.config file on your CAS Server(s). For example,for Exchange 2010
Step 1
Go to C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\ClientAccess\exchweb\ews\web.config
Step 2
Locate the following line
<add key="maximumQueryIntervalDays" value="365" />
in the section:
<appSettings> ... </appSettings>
In this example, we set up limitations to 365 days (one year).
Step 3
Restart IIS and retest the modifications.
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