This article explains the different limitations you have to consider when using the Cloudiway File migration product. As mentioned in this article, several items are not migrated from Google Drive. Ch...
Wrong Permission Everyone Except External Users In OneDrive
You are migrating your OneDrives between tenants using the Cloudiway migration platform. Sometimes, a default permission “Everyone except External users in OneDrive” appears in all files and folde...
How To Make Sure The OneDrive Account Exists?
Problem: During a File migration or Preprocessing, you are facing the error message “OneDrive account not found” or “User’s mysite not found”. Cause: The OneDrive account is not found, eithe...
Make Sure Your Tenant Name, Domain, Client Id And Client Secret Are Correct
Problem You’re trying to migrate from or to OneDrive and you’re facing a fatal error: Unable to get Personal OneDrive URL at the source (or target). Settings in your connector (source or target) a...
OneDrive Preprocessing Keeps Failing In A Pending State?
You are using the Cloudiway migration platform to migrate to OneDrive What does Preprocessing do? It provisions the OneDrive accounts for the users. It sets the permissions to the migration account. O...
Get Source Conf Error
Problem When peforming a OneDrive migration, your’re getting the following error: “Start() Error for : Get Source Conf Error : Guid should contain 32 digits with 4 dashes (xxxxxxx...
Cannot Download File Application Vnd.Google-Apps.Form
Problem You are migrating documents from Google Drive to OneDrive or SharePoint Online and you notice the following error in the migration log reports: Cannot download this kind of file (application/v...
OneDrive Not Provisioned
Problem You are migrating to OneDrive, and during file preprocessing, you’re getting the following error: Onedrive not provisioned Cause When you create a user, the OneDrive profile is created on th...
Cannot Be Used For Communication Because It Is In The Faulted State
Problem You notice the following error message in your migration logs: Fatal Error : GetClientContext : Second Try Failed : : The commun...
Permission To Perform This Action Access Denied
Problem You’re getting the following error: “Access denied. You do not have permission to perform this action or access this resource” at the beginning of the migration from or to OneDrive or S...